Psychiatric emergency: Definition, Classification, Common Emergency Psychiatric Condition,


Psychiatric emergency


Definition of Psychiatric emergency:

A psychiatric emergency is any disturbance in thoughts, feelings or actions for which immediate therapeutic intervention is necessary.



Classification of psychiatric emergency:


1. Major emergencies:

a)   Suicidal patients

b)  Agitated patients

c)   Aggressive patients


2. Minor emergencies:

a)   Grief reaction

b)  Rape

c)   Disaster

d)  Panic attack


3. Medical emergencies:

a)   Delirium

b)  Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

c)   Serotonin syndrome

d)  Over dosages of common psychiatric medications

e)   Over dosages and withdrawal from addicting substances etc.


Common Emergency Psychiatric Condition:


a)   Excitement and violence

b)  Stupor

c)   Delirium

d)  Attempted suicide

e)   Panic attacks

f)    Epilepsy related emergencies

g)   Alcohol and other addictive drugs related psychiatric emergencies

h)  Antipsychotic drugs induced psychiatric emergencies

i)    Lithium toxicity

j)     Refusal of food.



Psychiatric emergency

Psychiatric emergency

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