Attempted suicide: Definition, Evaluation, Management, Nursing Care of Attempted Suicide Patient.



Attempted suicide


Definition of attempted suicide:


 Any act of self-damage inflicted with self-destructive intention, however vague or ambivalent is an attempted suicide.

 If the patient dies as a result of the act it is called 'suicide' otherwise it is called attempted suicide. 


Evaluation of attempted suicide:


To evaluate or assess the suicidal patient get answers to the following questions - 

1. 1.   Whether the patient belongs to the high-risk group?

a)    Old age, loneliness, social isolation.

b)    Mental illness e.g. severe depression, schizophrenia, hysteria, antisocial personality.

c)    Physical illness e.g. incurable, painful, long-term physical illness.

d)     Alcohol and drug dependence.

e)    Past history and family history of suicidal behavior.

2. The method used- was it harmless or potentially fatal?

3. Is there any real intention to die? If so why?

4. The place and time - was it carried out in the absence of others?

5. Are there any serious risk factors?

a)    Is there any significant recent loss e.g. death of close relative, loss of job or self-esteem.

b)    Were there any suicide talk, suicide letter, suicide plans?

c)    Is there a will or any last wish?



Management of attempted suicide patient:


1. The initial intensive medical care of the acute physical conditions.

2. The psychological approach:

a)    Crisis intervention

b)    Individual counseling

c)    Psychotherapy to the patient and family members.



Nursing Care of Attempted Suicide Patient:


1. Give the patient an opportunity to express his / her feelings.

2. Improve communication by a sympathetic approach.

3. Strengthen self-esteem by supportive psychotherapy and reassurance.

4. Facilitate problem solving by –

a)    Identifying the problems.

b)    Identifying the alternatives.

c)    Being clear of the situation and practical solution.

d)    Choosing one alternative and following it up.


Attempted suicide

Attempted suicide

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