Health Promotion or Mental Health Promotion: Definition, Goals or Purpose, Factors and Risk Factors, Strategies, Approaches, 3 Levels,


Health Promotion / Mental Health Promotion



Definition of health Promotion:


The process of enabling individuals and communities to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health.



Goals of mental health promotion


1. To increase resilience and protective factors:

1.     1.  Increasing an individual’s or community’s resilience

2.    Increasing coping skills

3.    Improving quality of life and feelings of satisfaction

4.    Increasing self-esteem

5.    Increasing sense of well-being

6.    Strengthening social support

7.    Strengthening the balance of physical, social, emotional, spiritual and psychological health.


2. To decrease risk factors:   

1.      1.  Anxiety

2.    Depression

3.    Stress and distress

4.    Sense of helplessness

5.    Sexual abuse

6.    Family conflict

7.    Problem substance use

8.    Suicide

9.    Violence.


3. To reduce inequities:

1.     1.  Gender

2.    Poverty

3.    Physical or mental disability

4.    Employment status

5.    Race

6.    Ethnic background

7.     7.  Geographic location.



Factors that increase vulnerability to mental health problems:



1.    Experience of insecurity and hopelessness

2.    Rapid social change

3.    Risks of violence

4.    Physical ill-health



Risk factors for mental health problems:



1.    Drugs/alcohol

2.    Lack of education

3.    Poor nutrition

4.    Poverty

5.    Racial injustice

6.    Violence/delinquency

7.    War

8.    Work stress

9.    Unemployment



Strategies to Promote Mental Health and Wellness:



1.    Stress Management

2.    Assertive Communication

3.    Anger Management

4.    Work-life balance

5.    Positive thinking

6.    Spirituality

7.    Social Support

8.    Meditation







Approaches to mental health promotion:



1. Recognizes the interrelatedness of mental health and physical health.

2. Focuses on prevention and promotes mental health across the life span.

3. Identifies risks that may contribute to illness or disability.

4. Provides people with the knowledge and skills to maintain optimal health and wellbeing.

5. Brings together individuals, communities and a variety of systems to work collaboratively towards better mental health for all.

6. Public health also plays an important role in early intervention and recovery.

7. Communities can often reduce the severity of mental illness and promote recovery through early identification of individuals who may need assistance or support.

8. Public health systems can also provide information on maintaining positive mental health to support people living with mental illness.




Mental health promotion works at three levels:



1   1. Strengthening individuals:

Increasing emotional resilience through interventions to promote self-esteem, life and coping skills, e.g. communicating, negotiating, relationship and parenting skills.  In the promotion of healthy lifestyle, strengthening individuals is very important for them to be able to make healthy choices; such as proper diet and nutrition, regular physical activity, being smoke-free and mentally healthy.


2. Strengthening communities:

 Involves increasing social inclusion and participation, improving neighborhood environments, developing health and social services which support mental health, anti-bullying strategies at school, workplace health, community safety, child care and self-help networks.  This has also implications in NCD prevention and control, specifically towards creating a supportive environment to promote healthy lifestyle


3. Reducing structural barriers to mental health:

Through initiatives to reduce discrimination and inequalities and to promote access to education, meaningful employment, housing, services and support for those who are vulnerable. Promoting healthy lifestyle should also address inequities to ensure a healthy population.



Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

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