Curriculum Development Process: Definition, Importance, Step in curriculum construction, Definition of curriculum development, Steps of Curriculum Development, Factors influencing, Conclusion


Curriculum Development Process



1.   Definition of Curriculum

2.   Importance of curriculum

3.   Step in curriculum construction

4.   Definition of curriculum development

5.   Steps of Curriculum Development

6.   Factors influencing curriculum development in nursing education

7.   Conclusion


Definition of Curriculum


A systemic arrangement of the sum total of selected experience planned by a school for a defined group of students to attain the aim of a particular educational program.


The term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program.


Importance of curriculum


A.   Character: Develop useful and moral life for learners as foundation and contribute to social welfare.


B.   Knowledge & skill: Develop knowledge & skills among learners according to their interest and abilities.



C.  Health: Build healthy habits and foster mental and emotional development.


D.  National heritage: prepare learner capable of understanding and appreciating national heritage.



E.   Social relations & economic sufficiency.


F.   Clear thinking and observation.


Step in curriculum construction


Ø Plan & research

Ø Curriculum development

Ø Professional learning/implementation

Ø Evaluation


Definition of curriculum development


Curriculum development is a process of improving the curriculum.


Curriculum development can be defined as a kind of step-by-step process used to create positive improvements in the courses offered in higher education.


Steps of Curriculum Development



Problem identification and general needs assessment: Identification and critical analysis of a health care need to other problem.


Step 2:

Needs assessment of targeted learners: Assessing the needs of one targeted group of learners.


Step 3:

 Goals and objectives: Once the needs of targeted learners have been identified, goals and objectives for the curriculum can be written.


Step 4:

 Educational strategies: Once objectives have been clarified, curriculum content is chosen and educational methods are selected that will most likely achieve the educational objectives.


Step 5:

Implementation There are several components:

a)   Procurement of political support for the curriculum.

b)   Identification and procurement of resources.

c)    Identification and address of barriers to implementation.

d)   Introduction of the curriculum.

e)   Refinement of the curriculum.


Step 6:

Evaluation and feedback: It usually is desirable to assess the performance of both individuals and the curriculum.


Factors Influencing Curriculum Development in Nursing Education


1.   Philosophy of the nursing education.

2.   Educational psychology.

3.   Student.

4.   Society.

5.   Life activities.

6.   Knowledge.



A developmental approach to curriculum planning for student is considered desirable. The curriculum content should be functional, aiming at promoting the all-round development of these children and helping them to lead an independent life and integrate into the community.


Curriculum Development Process

Curriculum Development Process

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