Anaphylactic Shock: Introduction, Definition, Cause and risk factor, Sign symptoms, Management, Complication, Conclusion


Anaphylactic Shock:



1.    Introduction.

2.   Definition.

3.    Cause and risk factor.

4.    Sign symptoms.

5.    Management.

6.    Complication.

7.    Conclusion.



Introduction of Anaphylactic Shock:



Anaphylaxis is a severe, whole body allergic reaction. After an initial exposure to a substance like bee sting toxin, the person's immune system becomes sensitized to that allergen. An allergic reaction occurs with massive release of histamines and subsequent vasodilation.



Definition of Anaphylactic Shock:



For some people with severe allergies, when they are exposed to something they are allergic to, they may experiences a potentially life -threatening reaction called Anaphylaxis. As a result their immune system release chemical that flood the body this can lead to Anaphylactic shock.



Cause and Risk Factor of Anaphylactic Shock:



1.    Certain medication such as Penicillin.

2.    Insect stings.

3.    Food such as.

a)   Tree nuts.

b)   Eggs.

c)    Milk.

d)   Shellfish.

4.   Agents used in immunotherapy.

5.   Horse serum (used in some vaccine).



Sign symptoms of Anaphylactic Shock:



1.   Head: Feeling of impending doom loss of consciousness.

2.   Eye: Angioedema.

3.   Lyrynx: laryngeal obstructed.

4.   Chest: Flusing and weating.

5.   Heart: Irregular Heart.

6.   Ung: Bronchospasm.

7.   Abdomen: crumping and diarrhoea.

8.   Hand: urticaria.


Management of Anaphylactic shock:



1.   Removal of further contact.

2.   Removal of the contact antigen.

3.   Ensure airway potency.

4.   Administration of I/M Adrenaline dose(epinephrine)

5.   (May repeate 5 to 10 minute).

6.   Antihistamine: Histacin.

7.   Chlorpheniramine: 10 mg I/M or I/V slowly.

8.   Steroid I/V cotson.

9.   Nebulization.

10.   Oxygen inhalation.

11.  I/V fluid: depend on patient condition; N/S, DNS, DA or blood.


Complication of Anaphylactic Shock:



1.   Brain damage.

2.   Kidney failure.

3.   Arrhythmias.

4.   Heart attack.

5.   Cardiogenic shock.


Conclusion of Anaphylactic Shock:



Conclusion anaphylaxis is a potentially fatal condition. Causes range from bee stings to drugs and foods. Onset is usually sudden and a delayed reaction may occur hours after the initial reaction.

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